There have always been very informative, and very intelligent people who helped shape our way of thinking and brought us into the 21st century. A couple come to mind as I watch the carnage, incompetence, and lack of empathy in the present day. Lets take Einstein for example when he said "There are two things in this world that are infinite, that's the Cosmos and human stupidity. Although I am not even sure of the prior". Then there is Benjamin Franklin who said "Those who are willing to sacrifice are essential liberties just to obtain a little temporary security, deserve neither liberty nor security".
Now what Einstein said apparently holds true today as not only has are government been inundated with incompetence but the very people who are governed by them seem to be lacking upstairs. How can we let BushCo. And the rest of the Neocons hijack are country and force oppression on us. While supporting his dream of Global Democracy (One World Order) for the sake of financial gain for a few of the select elite. It seems funny to me when I think about how fast the Bush administration was with the clean up and recovery of 911, yet he is completely incapable of doing the same for the Katrina disaster. Granted people have brought up the fact that it is about the less fortunate, or the race card. I doubt it's a racial thing but as far as the less fortunate are concerned. Is there really any doubt?
Regardless for the reasons the fact of the matter is simply that Bush only cares for the rich. Everything he has ever done has been for the rich. From tax relief to large contracts all the way down to the doctoring of Global warming facts. Well I guess he has done a little for the poor, you know like the "No children left behind act" of course when it comes to the poor there are always stipulations like if the school does not give the military access to the students profile for recruitment purposes then opps sorry we will have to omit you from the program. Or how about Medicaid for the elderly they are required to try some experimental drugs as part of the policy. Are you F*&%# kidding me!!
Let me just throw out a few things before I end here to solidify my point:
Companies with connections to Bush have already clinched contracts for the Katrina aftermath (or as the first lady would say Carrina) IE: Halliburton.
Lets not forget the leaking of a CIA agent Valerie Plame.
Or the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians.
How about the abuse of "enemy combatants" with complete disregard to the Geneva Conventions.
Then there is always the supposed link between Saddam Hussein and 911.
Oh we can't leave out all them scary WMD's.
Have you had enough yet? Anybody? The clock is ticking and I fear if we don't take back are government now we will loose it forever. And to think I was once evicted from an apartment for being too loud, but one of the worst criminals of modern day gets to keep his nice pad paid for by my own hard earned cash.