Death by Video: Mexico’s Election Fraud Is Coming Undone
Study this photograph from today’s La Jornada. A campaign truck covered with PAN party logos, slogans, and the faces of three of their candidates – the one in the middle is Calderón – is parked in front of a building. From the balcony of the colonial-style structure shines an illuminated sign with three large letters: I… F… E. Citizens have arrived by foot and by bicycle and have blocked the entrances to the IFE building and the PAN truck. Not all of them appear in the photo, but there are 500 of them and they are hopping mad. Trapped inside are at least ten IFE officials who, according to eyewitnesses, illegally entered the building, brought sealed ballot boxes out into the patio, and began to open them, breaking the official seals. They were seen revising anew the “actas” with the vote tallies and recounting the ballots, without, as the law requires, the presence of representatives from all the political parties. The neighbors sounded the alarm and the electoral delinquents have been caught in the act.The FACADE crumble......and it's about time! It's funny though, to think that most Americans see Mexicans as inferior but seeing how they have more resolve to stop corruption as we look the other way makes me think we are sadly mistaken.
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